As previously announced, Norfolk County Team Manager Simon Willies has arranged a Norfolk Squad Day at Hingham on the 12th September. All players are reminded that those interested in being a part of the squad must be a current ESMBA registered player on that date. Bowlers who registered for the 2020/21 season are able to attend and play on that date. A small number of clubs failed to register their club, and their players, for the 2020/21 season due to Covid-19. The registrations for 2021/22 are effective from the 1st September 2021. Any County Team player who was not registered for 2020/21 must register with the NCSMBA Membership Secretary before they can play again. The fees for the 2021/22 season will be set at the NCSMBA AGM which is being held on Sunday 22nd August. The NCSMBA will be recommending to the meeting that the Norfolk portion of the players registration fee will be carried over for another 12 months for all players that registered for the 2020/21 season but the ESMBA portion of the fee will still have to be paid. The former Membership Secretary of the ESMBA had indicated that the ESMBA would consider extending memberships for a further 12 months if the season was lost but they failed to do so. Following the NCSMBA AGM Norfolk clubs currently registered with the NCSMBA will receive information on the amount payable from the NCSMBA Membership Secretary. Recognised NCSMBA Leagues are reminded that only current NCSMBA registered players can be elected to Officer Positions on League Committees.
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