The following statement was published on the ESMBA website on 24-7-20
ESMBA Covid-19 Route map V1 (July 2020) Please note: This is the Management Committees proposal and is awaiting Government comments. The following is the planned phasing of the Sport of Short Mat Bowls within England. The dates below are only provisional and will be continually reviewed. The ESMBA will work strictly within Government Guidelines. It is worth remembering that over 80% of our membership is over 65, of which many if not all have been shielding for 12 weeks or more. It is our National duty not just to protect our membership but also the local communities they come from. The ESMBA is committed to resuming the sport but only when it is deemed to be safe to do so. Members will have the right to decide if they wish to resume or not and should not feel pressured by any other club members to participate if they do not feel safe to do so. Members that do feel pressured should raise their concerns with the County Safeguarding officer who will investigate and take necessary action. Please remember the following dates will be fluid and are a guideline only. 1. All International matches will be cancelled until March 2021 (re arranged World Championships) 2. The diary will be clear of England days and games (to enable Counties to use these later in the year when safe to do so). 3. The ESMBA National Championships 2019/20 will be postponed until April 2021. There will be no qualifiers for the Main Nationals this season. 4. September 2020 - Clubs will be able to open for social roll ups, maximum four per mat providing they have meet the criteria laid down by the ESMBA, and approved to do so. 5. October 2020 - Clubs will be able to increase their participation from four to six per mat, if they can comply with the then social distance guidance. 6. November 2020 - Inter club activities will be permitted. (guidelines will be issued nearer the time). 7. December 2020 - County Open competitions will be permitted (guidelines will be issued nearer the time). 8. January 2021 - The ESMBA will look to run knock out and open Competition based at Club level. 9. January/February 2021 - Counties will be able to run National O55s and Mixed Fours qualifiers. 10. The ESMBA membership will remain due for the Association. There will be a reduced playing diary at National level but the Administration of the Association will remain the same. Both the ESMBA and County Associations will be there for the support of their members. The Personal Accident insurance will still cover personal Accidents whilst playing and in official capacity of Short Mat Bowls. 11. The ESMBA is to allocate a large proportion of the coming seasons membership fee to a Covid-19 fund and invite applicants to apply for funding to ensure their clubs are compliant and remain active. (Details to follow). At all times the ESMBA will work within the Governments guidelines, be it at national or local level.
The following press release was issued by the British Isles Short Mat Bowls Council on 24-7-20
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Council was held by Zoom meeting to discuss the 2020 Top Team Championship due to be held in England in October and the British Isles Championships due to be held in Wigan in November.
Given the current situation around Covid-19, it was apparent that due to Government restrictions the ESMBA will not have venues available for safe participation. As the safety of the players and officials is paramount, the British Isles Council have decided to postpone the Top Team Championship until October 2021 and likewise, to postpone the British Isles Championships until November 2021 when England will host.
Arthur Rice
A Rice
Hon Secretary