"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


Kent Invicta snatch victory in heat of battle at Hingham

Norfolk Over 60’s entertained Kent Invicta at Hingham for the second leg of their annual shield challenge on what was a blistering summer day. Norfolk were defending a six point lead from the first leg but Kent reduced the deficit to just two points as they won four of the six games in the first session. Gill Davidson, Jill Hayman & Russell Davidson won 8-5 in what would prove to be the first of three straight wins for them while Kerry Greenacre, Colin Hayman & Selwyn Goldsmith added Norfolk’s second win by 14-2. The second session saw Norfolk quickly restore their six point lead with four wins. These included a 7-5 win for Steve Easter, Billie Barker & Melvyn Barker which would prove to be their first of three wins on the day. Another four wins followed in session three as Norfolk moved into a comfortable ten point lead and play ceased as bowlers enjoyed an excellent lunch prepared by Mike & Jan Smail. After the break Kent Invicta launched a comeback winning four games in the fourth session and followed that with another four wins in the fifth session. This left Norfolk Over 60’s leading by just two points going into the final session and needing to share the points to retain the shield. This set up a nail-biting finish after Norfolk’s Will Townsend, David Chadwick & Terry Newby won 10-3 and Steve Easter, Billie Barker & Mel Barker won 11-6 while Kent had the upper hand on three of the other mats. The result would prove to be decided on mat one where Norfolk’s Jenny Walker, Andy George & Clive Eke went into the last end of their game drawing 7-7 with the outcome dependent on this one end. The Kent Invicta triple were in a great position holding three shots when Clive Eke had just one bowl to play and his brave attempt to save the match with a weight shot just missed its target. This left Kent Invicta recapturing the shield by the narrow margin of just 73-71 on points and 531-517 on shots on aggregate after two tremendous days of bowls. Both teams will look forward to resuming their annual battle next season. Before the presentation of the shield Norfolk Over 60’s Organiser Teresa Goldsmith congratulated Kent Invicta on their win and thanked all the people who helped on the day. 


Presentation of the Annual Shield to Kent Invicta


Wins of 8-5, 11-4 & 15-2 for Gill Davidson, Jill Hayman & Russell Davidson


Umpire Peter Walker was kept busy all day


It was a hot day for Norfolk Over 60's & Kent Invicta bowlers

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