"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


Distinguished Service Awards for Pauline Barsby & Jon Sparham

The Norfolk Short Mat Bowls Association Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday at North Wymondham. With no proposals submitted for any changes to the Constitution the meeting consisted of mainly Officer Reports and the Election of Officers. All fourteen current Officers were elected unopposed. In the Treasurer’s Report Jon Sparham recommended that yet again there should be no increase in the annual Club Membership fee or in the Norfolk portion of the individual Player Registration fee and this was supported by delegates. The Chairman reminded delegates that the ESMBA AGM, which is held in July, sets the ESMBA portion of the player fee and if that is increased the combined fee payable will of course go up by whatever amount is voted on at that meeting. Officers re-elected were President Brian Saunders, Vice President Robert Oatway, Chairman Selwyn Goldsmith, Vice-Chairman Simon Willies, Secretary Jenny Walker, Treasurer Jon Sparham, Membership Secretary Teresa Goldsmith, Assistant Membership Secretary Billie Barker, Competition Secretary Mike Smail, Assistant Competition Secretary Jan Smail, Records Officer Teresa Goldsmith, Press & Web Secretary Selwyn Goldsmith, Assistant Press & Web Secretary Chris Mann and Safeguarding Officer Elaine Willies. The Presidents Closing speech by Brian Saunders included warm congratulations to Jack Pye and AJ Brown for their success in the World Championships held in Belfast as well as a big thank you to Norfolk Team Manager Jack Pye and his Assistant Manager Chris Willies for their achievements which included taking both Norfolk Premier and Norfolk “A” to their respective finals in the Inter-County Championships. The President had also decided to make three Special Awards at the AGM. Brian told the meeting that the time is right for us to recognize the special achievement of Pauline Barsby. He said that seven years ago he had reported on the formation of the Thetford Short Mat Bowls Club and that without the foresight, hard work and determination of Pauline this may not have happened. He called upon the Vice-President Bob Oatway to award Pauline with the President’s Distinguished Service Award. The President then reminded delegates that seven years ago it became necessary for the Committee to replace our County Treasurer and that Jon Sparham took on what he described as a daunting task. He said that Jon has modernized our accounting system and that we now benefit from everything that he has done. He then again called on Bob Oatway to present Jon Sparham with the President’s Distinguished Service Award. The President concluded his report by talking about what he called “the significant contribution made by Teresa & Selwyn Goldsmith whose continuing efforts bring much pleasure to so many.” He then said that in recognition of the immeasurable contribution made by them, both individually and jointly, he had created a joint award called “Simply the Best” and again called upon Vice-President Bob Oatway to make the presentation. He then declared the 2024 AGM closed.  


Pauline Barsby receives the "President’s Distinguished Service Award"  


Jon Sparham receives the "President’s Distinguished Service Award"


Teresa & Selwyn Goldsmith receive the "Simply The Best Award" from Brian Saunders

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