"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


Open Night at Mulbarton a great success

Mulbarton Short Mat Bowls Club members hosted an impressive Open Night at their venue, Mulbarton Village Hall, on Wednesday evening after distributing leaflets at houses all over Mulbarton and surrounding villages in a bid to increase their membership. Much thought and work has obviously gone into this project and after speaking to their Secretary Jayne Whitney it is obvious that the club is eager to succeed. Mulbarton SMBC were once an active club in the NCSMBA but an ageing membership contributed to the club disappearing from the scene. The relaunch of the club into the South Norfolk League a couple of years ago, after rejoining the NCSMBA, has seen the club sometimes struggle to raise a full team for league matches. This is an issue that the club was determined to address and a lot of work has been put in behind the scenes to remedy this by increasing membership numbers. Their efforts were rewarded as over twenty local people turned up to enjoy a relaxed three hour session with teas and coffees provided by the club. Norfolk CSMBA Membership Secretary Teresa Goldsmith attended the evening and was impressed by the enthusiasm shown by both club members and the local people who turned up to try their hand at short mat bowling. The club meets every Wednesday evening between 7.30pm and 9.30pm and Jayne Whitney would be delighted to welcome anyone interested in attending their club nights.

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Mulbarton Secretary Jayne Whitney and NCSMBA Membership Secretary Teresa Goldsmith

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