"I am a Norfolk man and Glory in being so." Horatio Nelson


Good weekend for Mitchell & Craig in Charity events

Mitchell Young & Craig Burgess enjoyed a great weekend winning the Falcon Open Pairs and finishing as runners-up in the Trevor Pay Pairs. In the Falcon Open Pairs, a fundraiser for the Neonatal Unit at Broomfield Hospital, Mitchell & Craig beat Nigel Nicholls & Paul Seaman by six shots in the final while Tim Harwood & Alan Harwood beat Vanessa Wright & Steve Puttock 9-4 in the Plate Final. In the Trevor Pay Pairs event Darren Brown & Mark Spalding won the final beating Mitchell & Craig 12-7. In the Plate section Alun Thomas & Lee Lewis beat Finn Arild Zinder Aarnes & Hege Strand Aarnes 12-6. Over £2,000 was raised for the Rowans Hospice.  

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Mitchell Young & Craig Burgess - had a great weekend 

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Darren Brown & Mark Spalding won the Trevor Pay Pairs

Photos courtesy of SMPT

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